
Get the Most Out of Your Clinical Data

Leverage your data for better patient outcomes
Get the Most Out of Your Clinical Data


Data Analytics

The use of data from the Petal platform’s reports and analytical dashboards maximizes staff allocation and improves access to healthcare.

More Transparency for Better Performance

The Petal care orchestration platform connects to existing systems in order to collect real-time data on medical supply and patient care demand. This intelligent use of data enables strategic and informed decisions to be made to improve access to care.

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More Transparency for Better Performance

Tailor-Made and Based on Your Needs

Each healthcare organization faces unique challenges depending on its region, staff and goals. This is why we take the time to fully understand each situation and identify, in collaboration with each organization, the data that would benefit from being visualized in real time.
Tailor-Made and Based on Your Needs

Better Understand the Demand for Care

  • Preferred appointment times for patients to meet with a physician
  • Number of appointments made by each input channel
  • Excess patient demand over capacity
  • Average waiting times before seeing a health professional
  • Custom development: any data relevant to the organization

Discover the Petal Patient Sefl-Scheduling Solution

Improve Distribution of Medical Services

  • On-call coverage and performance
  • Workload of medical services
  • Number of planned and modified medical activities
  • Absenteeism rate
  • Custom development: any data relevant to the organization

Discover the Petal Physician Scheduling Solution

Get the Data You<br> Need

Get the Data You